Restoring The National Mojo

Health Insurance - Restoring The National Mojo

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On Wall road (the free part, not the busy territory) they talk about "animal spirits." Economists measure buyer and company confidence. Politicians track approval ratings like batting averages. company schools teach entrepreneurship alongside marketing, finance and accounting.

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Health Insurance

These are all aspects of our national mojo - the seemingly innate American trust that notwithstanding today's problems, tomorrow will be best if we work hard adequate to make it so.

Our mojo has taken a big hit lately. We ought to ask ourselves why - and, more importantly, what we can do to get it back.

Let's start with a few safe bet explanations for its decline, on the theory that being safe bet does not automatically make them wrong - though it doesn't make them fully right, either. This is a big, complicated country. Anything as large as the national spirit is going to be the product of a lot of factors.

But we can be safe bet that the crash in housing and stock prices that began a few years ago has played a major role in undermining our self-assurance. Economists Karl Case, Robert Shiller and John Quigley used the dramatic decline in housing prices to update an earlier study about the "wealth effect" that encourages consumers to spend money when their net worth increases. As reported in a modern New York Times article, the economists, unsurprisingly, found that there also is a negative wealth effect; consumers pull back on spending when asset values drop. Also, less intuitively, the negative result is bigger for a drop in home values than a drop in stock portfolios. (1)

So the sharp drop in home values has a lot to do with the economy's slow rebound, because it makes a lot of citizen feel poorer, even if their disposable income, which comes in general from paychecks rather than houses, has not changed.

We might reckon that there is other psychological component at work. A lot of citizen who bought property during the modern boom idea they were savvy investors, only to gawk that they had fallen into a trap long customary to stock traders. That trap is summed up in the phrase, "never confuse brains with a bull market." I reckon citizen feel not only poorer thanks to the housing crash, but less sure of their own financial acumen. (A decent level of humility is a good thing in the long run, but it does not make for a fast salvage from a store crash.)

Then there is the sense that we are not development enlarge on the day's major economic and social issues. Unemployment lingers at painfully high levels. The federal government relentlessly spends 0 billion more than it takes in every month, a total each year deficit - and expanding to the national debt - of more than .3 trillion, which has held that frightful pace for three years running. Condition care remains a flashpoint as assurance costs continue to climb for families and businesses. Students and their families are burdened with debt that may take a lifetime to repay, with minute opening for relief even in bankruptcy. A quarter-century of arguing over immigration law has produced no solutions.

A lot of citizen over the political spectrum feel alienated and angry. So what do we do about it?

For starters, let's identify that we have been in straits this dire - and worse - in the past. Think this country is polarized now? consider the Civil War, or the protests of the 1960s. Today's politics are a love fest by comparison.

Think we've lost our national will? We've waged a 10-year war on terrorists and their sponsors, and they have had a far worse year than we did. We have waged this struggle through Republican and Democratic administrations. For contrast, consider the beginning of the 1940s. After a decade of Depression, this country stood icy while Nazis invaded Poland, captured Paris and blitzed London. Only the Japanese charge on Pearl Harbor mustered the national will to resist a world where tyrants slaughtered millions of innocents.

Sometimes a nice winnable minute war provides a helpful morale boost. President Reagan helped banish the national malaise over Vietnam by invading the tiny Caribbean island of Grenada in 1983. I'm not advocating other invasion, especially since we have plenty of troops activity these days anyway. But that dreary North American winter is roughly upon us. Just development an observation.

More usefully, Reagan found ways to work with Congress to turn tax policy, unshackle company and put reasonably long-term fixes in place on immigration and social Security. His budget deficits soared, but they pale in comparison to ours. And his policy changes gave company executives something they could plan with and count on. Nowadays, tax laws and social protection changes expire faster than unpasteurized milk. Nobody can count on anything.

If we want to shake the national malaise, we have to confront our problems rather than continue our modern game of "extend and pretend" that things are going to get best on their own. We can't fix all overnight, but we can start. Things have to stop getting worse before they can get better.

What if we can't agree on how to fix things? Well, that's why we have elections. We'll have one next year, and I reckon that one way or another, it's going to yield adequate of a mandate to allow things to move forward. I won't like the direction that all moves, and neither will you. But after the stagnation of the last few years, it will be progress.

I suppose that is what it takes for a country to rediscover its mojo. We never arrive at a perfect future, but our history has been that we do arrive, if sometimes haltingly, at a best one.

1) The New York Times, "Gloom Grips Consumers, and It May Be Home Prices"

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